It is the number of minded children at any one time that counts. You could be minding different children at different times.
Under the Child Care Act 1991
If you are registered with Tusla as a pre-school childminder, you can mind:
If you are registered with Tusla as a school age childminder, you may mind up to 6 children under local planning regulations, or up to 12 children with change of use planning permission.
If you are not registered with Tusla, you can mind:
If you mind no more than 3 children under the age of 18 at any one time, you may avail of the Childcare Services Tax Relief Scheme.
Under local planning regulations
A childminding service is defined as having 6 or fewer children in the home at one time by local authorities and is considered exempted development.
However, if you mind or intend to mind 7 or more children of any age, including your own, you must get change of use planning permission from your local council. This is due to traffic, water, and sewage considerations, and you may be liable for water rates as a business.
Local councils may allow tenants to mind up to 6 children at a time, including their own children once the service is registered
with Tusla.
Private renters must get permission from the landlord/owner to mind children in a rented accommodation.
In either case, you should make sure that you have appropriate insurance to cover the service.
Garda vetting is best practice for all childminders. Anyone who has access to children should be vetted by the National Vetting Bureau, according to the law. It is a legal requirement for Tusla registered childminders, and it is recommended as best practice for all childminders. Childminders should contact Barnardos Vetting Service in Cork for further information. This is a free service.
Phone: 021 454 7060 Email:
It may take up to 2-3 weeks to receive the results of your vetting.
Child Safeguarding and childminders
Tusla registered childminders are mandated persons under the Children First Act 2015, with legal responsibility to report harm of children to Tusla and assist where requested.
All childminders have a duty of care to report child protection concerns to Tusla under the Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017.
Where possible, Childminders are advised to attend in-person Always Children First Child Safeguarding Awareness Training.
For more information check: Child Safeguarding
As a professional childminder, at is highly recommended to have a written parent contract in place for your service, along with a child record form. See sample record keeping forms from the national team of Childminding Development Officers.
Other recommended policies include:
See sample policies and procedures by the national team.
Childminders must register with Revenue as a self-employed sole trader, and then file an income tax return annually, along with payment of income tax, Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) and Universal Social Charge (USC).
Childminders earning €15,000 or less a year may avail of the Childcare Services Tax Relief Scheme, pay no income tax or USC and the minimum €500 per annum onPRSI.
If you are an existing childminder or new childminder and wish to become a Tusla registered childminder you have to apply through Tusla Registration Office.
South Dublin County Childcare Committee © 2021
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