The Childminding Difference Webinar

Childmindind Difference Webinar THE CHILDMINDING DIFFERENCE WEBINARSchool of Education Trinity College Dublin DATE | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16THTIME | 7.30 – 9.30PM Prof. Noirin Hayes, Researching Early Childhood Education Collaborative (RECEC), School of Education, TCD is delighted to welcome Prof. Tonyan and Dr O’Regan to this important webinar. Prof. Holli Ann Tonyan (California State University, Northridge) […]

Childminding – Survey

Childminders help required in completing survey The purpose of this survey is to gather up-to-date information about the daily lives of childminders, nannies and parents who use the services of home-based childcare in Ireland. This survey will give you the opportunity to share your practices, ideas and air your concerns while giving us the opportunity […]

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