Start up, Supports & Grants

Childminding Development Grant 2025 (CMDG)

Now Open for Applications

Applications are now open for the Childminding Development Grant 2025. 

What is a Childminder Development Capital Grant (CMDG)?

The CMDG is a small capital grant designed to assist existing and potential childminders to enhance safety and quality in their childminding service. This includes eligible items required to meet regulations or that may have arisen during a pre-registration assessment.

What funding is available under the CMDG?

A grant of up to €1,000 is available to childminders. Childminders can apply for the full Childminding Development Grant amount every year, but only certain items may be purchased on an annual basis. (See eligible expenditure below and FAQ document).  If the CMDG national budget is oversubscribed, an applicant may receive a lesser amount than applied for.  Successful applicants are paid 75% of the grant in advance, and up to the remaining 25% is paid in arrears. Following the submission and approval of the CMDG Expenditure Report and receipts for up to the full amount granted, South Dublin CCC will inform the successful childminder as to the balance up to 25% that will be paid. (See FAQs for further details).

What can the CMDG be used for?

The CMDG can be used to purchase items that enhance safety and quality in the childminding service. The 2025 CMDG also includes provision for purchase of certain IT equipment, subject to conditions. The Guidelines lists examples of the different types of costs that are eligible and ineligible for the grant.  If you are unsure of eligible spend, contact South Dublin County Childcare Committee for support by emailing

Making today’s announcement, Minister Foley said:

“I am delighted to announce the launch of the 2025 Childminding Development Grant as one of the first actions in my term of office as Minister.

“Childminders play an essential part in the provision of childcare in all parts of the country, and I am fully committed to recognising and supporting their important role, and to following through on the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028.

“I encourage childminders in South Dublin County to avail of this funding opportunity, whether they are already registered or would like support in advance of registration over the next couple of years.

“The Childminding Development Grant provides funding for quality and safety equipment and can also be used to contribute to IT equipment.”

The total budget of €500,000 reflects the high demand for the grant in previous years. It also reflects the Government’s commitment to support childminders to prepare for registration with Tusla. In line with the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028, regulations written specifically for childminders came into effect for the first time in September 2024, making it possible for all childminders to register with Tusla and take part in the National Childcare Scheme (NCS).

Those childminders who were previously exempt from regulation have a three-year transition period until 2027 during which they are now able to register with Tusla but are not yet required to do so.

For further information about the Childminding Development Grant or the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028, visit or contact your local City or County Childcare Committee.

You can download the CMDG Guidelines (includes the Application Form), FAQ’s for 2025 and Application Form in the links below:

Closing Date for Applications is 5pm Friday, 4th April 2025.

Fidelma Martin from the South Dublin County Childcare Committee, said:

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth’s Childminding Development Grant has been a huge benefit to many childminders in South Dublin County.

Any childminder with any questions about applying for the grant is welcome to contact us on 01 457 0122 or by emailing

The forms are also available in the Irish language on request. 

You can read the Full Press Release from Norma Foley here

Are you Interested in running a Childminding Service?

If you are a childminder or are interested in becoming a childminder, South Dublin County Childcare Committee provides a number of supports such as network and training events, setting up your service, policies and procedures as well as funding opportunities and ongoing support. 

  • A childminding service involves an individual taking care, by themself, of children under the age of 15 years, for payment, in the childminder’s home.
  • A childminder is self-employed and provides a paid childcare service for a minimum of 2 hours a day in their own home.
  • If you are employed by a child’s parents and you look after the child/children in their home, you cannot register as a childminder.
  • If you only mind children who are closely related to you, e.g. your grandchildren or nieces/nephews, you do not need to register as a childminder.

See new Regulations and Explanatory Guidance below: 

Under the New Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Childminding Services) Regulations 2024 all Childminders must register with Tusla. You can download the regulations in the link below. 

To register with Tusla you must have the following documents:

  • Garda Vetting & Police clearance for the childminder & emergency cover person/s
  • Two references
  • Proof of identity
  • Copy of insurance certificate
  • Certificates for Pre-Registration Training, First Aid training and Children First Training

The Childminding pre-registration training is a mandatory course for anyone who intends to register with Tusla for a childminding service.

To take this training course you must be:

  • 18 years old or over
  • Self-employed and providing a paid childcare service in your own home
  • Either currently working as a childminder and intending to register with Tusla, or Intending to work as a childminder and register with Tusla

If you are unsure as to whether or not you are eligible to register with Tusla, contact your local Childminding Development Officer for information and support.

The aim of the training programme is to help you:

  • Understand the new childminding regulations.
  • Apply the regulations to your childminding practice.
  • Understand the Tusla registration process for childminders.
  • Understand the documentation required to register with Tusla.
  • Access supports and resources.
If you would like some support and guidance, please email our Childminding Development Officer, Helen Sutherland
Register Your Interest for Pre-Registration Course

To register your interest in attending a Pre-Registration course, please complete the expression of interest form and click submit at the end. 


For further information on anything childminding related please contact our Childminding Development Officer: Helen Sutherland on 086 103 8611

Grants and Funding for Childminders

Currently, there are two main financial supports for childminders:

  • the Childcare Services Tax Relief for childminders,
  • the annual Childminding Development Grant for new and existing childminding services.

How can I avail of the Childcare Services Tax Relief?

To qualify for this Tax Relief, you must:

  1. Register with Revenue Online Service (ROS) as a sole trader.
  2. Provide the service in your own home
  3. Mind no more than three children under 18 at any one time
  4. Earn no more than €15,000 gross per annum. This includes all your income from childminding, but you cannot deduct any costs or expenses.
  5. Show that you have connected with your local County/City Childcare Committee

To claim the relief, include your childminding income in your tax return (Form 11, section G).  You must claim the relief on or before your tax return due date of 31 October annually.

For the latest complete information, please refer to Childcare Services Relief.


The Childminding Development Grant 2024 is Now Closed!

The Childminding Development Grant for 2024 is now closed for applications. We will be advertising the Childminding Development Grant for 2025 as soon as it becomes available.

Childminding Ireland is the National Childminding Body in Ireland.

Visit their website for further details.

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