First 5 – My Little Library

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth working with the National Library Service, will initiate an action called My Little Library. In this action over 61,000 4 & 5 year olds who are going to school in September will be invited to their local library to pick up a bag of books and join the library.

First 5 My Little Library will offer a book bag with books and resources to every 4 and 5 year old going to school in September. The children will be invited through their ELC or special pre-school. The objective of this action is that all children starting school in September 2022  will have story books in their home and be members of their local library. 

The project will work like this:

  • Books have been selected by an appropriate committee of librarians, and books and bags have been procure by the LGMA.
  • Insert resources are being prepared by invited partners to be supplemented at county level. 
  • The Little Library invite will be delivered to the 30 Childcare Committees to be distributed locally.
  • Every child of 4 & 5 in ELC starting school in September will get an invite to visit their local library to pick up a book bag with books and resources on starting school. When they come for their book bag they can join the library. 
  • The libraries are preparing a special cardholder for the children for their library card.

We need your help to ensure that every 4 and 5 year old starting school in September gets their invitation, collect their books and join the library. As this project is universal and a large undertaking, we wanted to get the word out before the official launch in late March and provide an overview of the project. The objective is that all children starting school this year will be a member of their local library and will have story books in their home. This initiative is a huge undertaking and we especially want to make sure that all children living in disadvantage get their book bag and join their local library.


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