Are you thinking of becoming a Childminder

Thinking of becoming a childminder?
Minister O’Gorman thanks ELC/SAC Providers

Minister O’Gorman video thanking ELC/SAC Staff The DCEDIY emailed the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) providers in relation to a video message (see below) from Minister O’Gorman to providers and staff in early learning and care and school age childcare settings to thank them for all of the their work […]
DCEDIY – Updated Antigen Testing

UPDATED: Communication from DCEDIY on Antigen Testing The DCEDIY sent an email with attachments for parents on Antigen Testing. They have since updated that email and apologise for an error made in their communication. Please disregard that email and attachments. This information we have here in our News Bulletin is the UPDATED version with attachments […]